experienced thought leadership from McGrath consultants

Bathroom Reader for Fire Officers
by Tim McGrath, Ph.D. and Victoria McGrath, Ph.D.
This entertaining book will challenge and inspire you to become a better leader. More than three dozen articles — gleaned from decades of experience serving departments across America — cover communication, change, diversity, career considerations, finances, goal setting, leadership, performance, planning, training, and trust.
paperback • 253 pages

The Dynamic Fire Chief: Principles for Organizational Management
by Craig A. Haigh
The Dynamic Fire Chief: Principles for Organizational Management seeks to bridge the gap between service delivery (management of street level operations) and the executive-level management needed by a five-bugle-wearing CEO. Whether you lead a paid or volunteer department, the management skills needed to lead a successful department are the same.
paperback • 316 pages

Ask McGrath

our NEW book
Bathroom Reader for Fire Officers
and EMS, Police, Public Safety providers
This entertaining book will challenge and inspire you to become a better leader. More than three dozen articles — gleaned from decades of experience serving departments across America — cover communication, change, diversity, career considerations, finances, goal setting, leadership, performance, planning, training, and trust.